The State Society on Aging (SSA) of New York is an interdisciplinary membership society. SSA brings together individuals and groups from health, government, educational and community settings committed to improving the quality of life for older New Yorkers through education, research, service, and advocacy.
SSA is unique in gathering together people from a wide variety of backgrounds and settings. It is not meant to replace other professional associations, advocacy groups, or discipline-specific organizations; rather it complements these groups by providing a forum for interdisciplinary communication.
Much of our professionals’ life is shaped by events that occur at the state level. SSA, by bringing together interested individuals from health care settings, government, educational institutions, and community to work together on state issues that affect all of us.
SSA is unique in gathering together people from a wide variety of backgrounds and settings. It is not meant to replace other professional associations, advocacy groups, or discipline-specific organizations; rather it complements these groups by providing a forum for interdisciplinary communication.
Much of our professionals’ life is shaped by events that occur at the state level. SSA, by bringing together interested individuals from health care settings, government, educational institutions, and community to work together on state issues that affect all of us.
The State Society on Aging (SSA) of New York was founded in 1972 as the New York State Association of Gerontological Educators (NY SAGE). Since its formation it has provided leadership in the field of aging, especially in promoting gerontology and geriatrics education. In 1989, the organization officially changed its name to The State Society on Aging of New York, Inc., recognizing its changing membership and its role as the foremost interdisciplinary organization in the state. While education remains a primary concern, SSA welcomes the contributions of all those interested in any aspect of aging.
We work to bring together the aging community in New York State. We hope that you become a member and join us!