SSA Committees & Task Forces
Members of SSA are encouraged to participate and share their expertise with other professionals through SSA’s committees. Committees of the Board are composed of SSA directors. Committees of the Corporation are composed of SSA directors and non-directors. Students are especially encouraged to join a committee as an opportunity to work and interact with professionals in gerontology. Below are a list of committees with a brief description and a contact person for more information.
View the bios and photos of this year's Board and Committee Members.
Committees of the Board. The Finance Committee, Executive Committee and Governance Committee are Committees of the Board.
Executive Committee
Executive Committee Membership: Colette Phipps (2025 President); Danielle Gagne (2024 President & Secretary) Bob Maiden (Treasurer); Judy Howe (Governance); Mary Beth Morrissey (Governance)
For more information contact:
Colette Phipps, 2025 President
Duties of this committee include: a) auditing and reviewing the Treasurer’s Report; and b) planning and implementing strategies for fundraising.
For more information contact:
Robert Maiden, Chair
The duties of the Governance Committee are: 1) to review the business and proceedings of the Society to ensure compliance with its Bylaws; 2) to provide guidance on the conduct of the Society’s business when requested by the Board of Directors, Elected Officers or Society members, and 3) to suggest changes to Society Bylaws to reflect the dynamic nature of the organization to reflect the current business and challenges of the Society.
For more information contact:
Mary Beth Morrissey, Co-Chair
Judy Howe, Co-Chair
Committees of the Corporation. The following are committees of the Corporation: (A) Awards; (B) Electronic Communications and Publications; (C) Program and Education; (D) Membership; (E) Nominations; (F) Planning and Development; (G) Social Policy; (H) Student; and (I) Diversity.
Duties of this committee are to review candidates for a number of SSA awards, including the Walter M. Beattie, Jr. Award for making significant contributions to the field of aging in New York State, and the SSA Student Awards for students who have written high-quality research papers on a gerontological issue.
For more information contact:
Mark Brennan-Ing, Chair
Duties of this committee include and ensure the inclusiveness of different peoples and ideas both within and without the Society to promote a variety of services and programs that meet the needs of all segments of the elderly population in New York State.
For more information contact:
James O’Neal, Chair
Electronic Communications and Publications
This committee is charged with implementing and maintaining electronic communications to Society members and the public through diverse media. The publications committee develops and publishes the biannual newsletter, membership directories, and other printed Society materials.
For more information contact:
Henry J. Davis, Co-Chair
Danielle D. Gagne, Co-Chair
The membership committee works to recruit and attract new members to SSA as well as maintain contact with current and previous members.
For more information contact:
Janna Heyman, Chair
The nominations committee works to identify and nominate members to various board positions available in SSA.
For more information contact:
Manoj Pardasani, Chair
Planning and Development
The Planning and Development Committee identifies opportunities to disseminate information about projects and research to enhance the quality of life for older adults of New York State; to increase branding of the State Society on Aging of New York; and to strengthen support of the organization through increased membership and financial support.
Program and Education
This committee is responsible for organizing the annual conference in October under direction of the President. This committee supports the continued education and professional development needs of Society members from all professions, as well as students and community leaders/advocates. It provides recommendations, knowledge and expertise to the Society Board of Directors and collaborates with the Student Committee to support students’ knowledge of gerontology and careers in aging.
For more information contact:
christian gonzález-rivera Co-Chair
Janna Heyman, Co-Chair
Social Policy
The purpose of the Social Policy Committee is to facilitate the development of policy statements that address the needs of older people in New York State and are keeping with the mission of the society.
For more information contact:
Mary Beth Quaranta Morrissey, Chair
Student Committee
The student committee informs and encourages student participation in the State Society on Aging of New York and also strives to find out what students' needs are and ensure that SSA tries to meet these needs. It welcomes participation from both professional and student members. It aims to provide student information sharing and networking and support to students throughout New York State.
Jackie Berman, Co-ChairEmail:
Annette Hintenach, Co-Chair